Marie’s Ministries is a branch of St. Elizabeth’s - Catholic Charities. Marie’s Ministries collects diapers and gently used baby equipment, clothing and household items. Christian Service Commission donated to their building fund. The completion of the larger building allowed them to expand their hours of operation. It is run completely with volunteers. Currently ten parishioners work to cover the first and third Thursdays of the month, from 9:30am – 2:00pm. Volunteers sort and organize donations as well as assist clientele who come in for assistance. The average number of families assisted each day continues to increase as community awareness of the additional hours of operation spreads. They currently assist seven to ten clients each day they are there.
Time Commitment: 4.5 hours every work day
Spiritual Gifts Helpful: Helping, Generosity, Mercy, Encouragement, Servanthood
Contact Information: Nancy Voigner -